Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scared me to death

So, I was at work last night just admitting a patient when David calls me frantic, which he never is. He tells me Logan woke up trying to cry and gasping for air. David GRABS him out of bed, and performs the HEIMLICH. No success. Logan wheezing, gasping, and gagging. He acts like he is going to puke and is trying to gag but cannot breathe. After several minutes of this David, he is crying and gasping so David calls me. And, yes we have now established that you call 911 and me later. Hindsight for David. I could hear Logan in the background trying to gasp and crying a bit. Told him to put him in the car as long as he was breathing and get to the hospital. By the time they were on the road Logan was acting better. Meanwhile, I am at work and a basket case. I am so glad my mom was at the house last night. She was spending the night so she could watch the kids this morning after I got off of work. If she hadn't been there I would have called 911 for David because it would have taken him forever to get the kids out the door. David got to Childrens, went straight in. They did an xray, and the little toy must be plastic. By the way, when Logan waas coughing and crying and trying to calm down from the choking episode he tells David he swallowed a car, a green car. Well it must be plastic, because you couldn't see it on xray. They then made him drink juice and then eat crackers. He did okay with that just lots of burping. Told me there was only one other place in the intestines where it can get stuck and to just watch him closely. So, we came home. I wanted him to sleep with me so I could hear him breathing, but he would have no such thing. He kept telling me he wanted to sleep in his own bed. So, we left our door open and he was fast asleep. I went in there like 12 times to check on him. He just woke up and is a bit cranky, bue he is probably super tired since he went to sleep at 2:00am.
Talk about a heart stopping phone call to hear your baby choking and you not there to do a thing about it. Then I was freaking out because David was driving him by himself. But David held him while he drove, yes I know illegal but when it's your baby you do what you think is best. I was a basket case, I am sure my co-workers can tell you my state.
We will see how he does during the day. i may be taking him to the clinic, just to m ake me feel better.
Still no news from Taiwan.

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