Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our 3 angels, awaiting the 4th

I just love this picture. And these are the faces and memories that I want to capture and remember everyday. I don't want to remember their childhood as a blur. So, I will prayerfully make every attempt every waking day to "Live In The Moment." I want to play Barbies and Thomas the Train, run around and play hide n seek, bake cookies, get dirty playing outside. And not worry about the unfolded laundry that will be there later or the never ending list of things that need to be done. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be lazy, because that is not me. I want to LIVE laugh instead of being a robot getting through life. The clothes can sit on my bed while we read Bible stories and sing songs to Jesus just like we did tonight. We were studying the verse on how to make a joyful noise unto the Lord tonight, and I asked Logan what he wanted to sing. He started belting out "This Is The Day." It was the cutest thing, three little voices singing their heart out to Jesus.
I want to be more relaxed and I am getting better, or at least I tell myself I am. Let me know how I am doing.
So, our TECO documents have left Chicago, wondering where they will arrive next before making their final destination, TAIWAN!! Please pray they make it there. They are the only originals. Night!

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