So, as I have said lately I am trying to "Live in the Moment." So, I really had to plans today other than I was going to go to the gym. But, I changed my mind this morning. The older two told me they wanted to stay at home. So, we did, and I will do a pilates workout today. I've got to get back into my workout routine. I have seriously been slacking since the holidays, I can tell big time.
I got to sleep in this morning, and Carson came and snuggled in bed with me. We both fell asleep again, and then I was awaked by snoring that sounded like a grown man, which was little ole Carson. He can snore with the best of them. On a different note about Carson...he has hit the terrible twos. He can throw fits for unknown reasons to us, no one will even be around him and he is throwing a wall eyed fit. We are working vigently on correcting that. Today he unzipped his jammies, pulled off his diaper, and decided to relieve himself everywhere. ughhh!! Boys!
We all sit down this morning and had waffles for breakfast. The kids loved it, and so did I. While the kids played around the house this morning I cleaned up the kitchen, started some laundry, and checked email.
I found out this morning that His Hands had to turn 5 babies away last week because they can no longer house more than 4 babies at a time due to the restrictions made by their DHS services saying no more than so many people per square foot. I was so upset by this news. So, I called the kids in and in simple terms told them that there were some babies that didn't have a home because there wasn't enough room for them where Leia is living and we needed to pray that God will give them a bigger house for all the new mommies and babies. It was so cute, they even chimed in while we were praying. I told my mom about the newsletter I received from His HAnds this morning about the babies and she encouraged me to write Oprah, which I had already been toying with the idea. I wrote Oprah, called Mark Schultz's manager, and wrote Scott and Lisa from KLOVE Christian radio. The manager for mark Schultz already called me back and said that he would give all the info to Mark. He told me Mark does some benefit concernts every year but that they had already filled the slots for 2010, but that you never know and he would let Mark look into His HAnds and see if we would promote for them on his facebook and twitter pages. We need some big prayers going up for these ladies. Those 5 babies may not have the chance at a forver family now, expecially if they are sent to a governemnt institution. And believe me, I know of more than 5 families here that would have been overjoyed to bring those babies home. The news was heart wrenching. So help me pray and come up with ideas.
Yesterday, mom came at lunch and helped me get this shower cake going for a sweet friend that I work with. I thought it turned out really cute, but I have a long way to go. Thanks mom for helping me, I know it really slowed down your day to stay and help. I thought it was delicious though, none other than my mom's recipe :)
So, the kids have been bathed for church tonight, now I need a shower and need to get supper in the works. I checked the tracking on our TECO papers and it hasn't been updated since they left Chicago. So maybe that means they are in the air on their way to Taiwan. Holly sent me an email this morning and said they are going to get Leia tonight while I am sleeping and bring her back to House of Hope. She said her and Trena would try to remember their camera and get some pictures to me in the next 24hours. I need lots of pictures. I look at the couple I have all the time. i am sure she is changing everyday. Holly said she received Leia's care package and was having fun going through it. I can't wait to see her in some of the things I sent. I will post as soon as i get some new pictures.
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