Sunday, August 2, 2009

M & Ms, Toddling, & School

So, we are potty training at the Raboin house, which means we have taken stock in m&ms. Logan has finally decided that he can go #2 in the potty, but only if a reward of m&ms is involved. We have been trying to potty train for almost 2 months now. Everyone kept telling me, "wait til he is 3, it will be so much easier." But...I think we have made it; only a few accidents here and there. I have to say 2 months of training is much better than waiting til he is three. I can't have 3 kiddos in diapers or pullups. My max is 2 at a time, and that is pushing
Carson is running around everywhere and is now trying to walk down steps. His vocabulary has expanded to a shrilling scream that he has inherited from his brother and sister. Will post toddling pics soon.
Olivia can't stop talking about the camp meeting and all the friends she has made. She is excited to start homeschooling on a more scheduled basis this year. She will not be 5 until January, but we are going to go ahead and start after Labor Day. We have the basement all set-up as our school room. It is quite a neat set-up.

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