Friday, August 14, 2009

The Blessing of So Many New Friends

The last several months I have made several new friends through the process of our adoption. It has been such a blessing to chat with each and every one of them. I started looking for missionaries in Taiwan, thinking they could help me find some contacts in which to do an independent adoption. You can only do independent adoptions through Non-Hauge countries. When I was doing this research I called, I think every church I could find that had missionaries in Taiwan. I finally got a hold of a lady by the name of Mary Agnes Minnich. Her family lives in Taiwan and does mission work there. She gave me the contact information from His Hands. I then joined a message board for people adopting independently from Taiwan. From there I found Lisa Wellman, of which we later discovered got their acceptance letter the same day we received ours. We started emailing and talking on the phone. His Hands gave me contact information for Gretchen Twogood. The Twogoods arrived home with their handsome Jack in May. She has been so helpful with everything and so supportive. Then just recently I joined His Hands on Facebook and have met so many wonderful people. It is so encouraging to talk with others who are going through the same things. All of us are just networking together. I have been chatting lots with Gina, who is mommy to Mylee for those who are following the His Hands babies. It has been so much fun. Hopefully when we all have our babies home we can get together somewhere centrally and really meet.
So, to all my new His Hands friends, you are a blessing to me and my family. Love you all and praying for you all.

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