Help TWO orphans come home to their forever family. This amazing family is opening their home and hearts to not one but TWO orphans from Ethiopia. I met Jen through Blog World and facebook over a year ago. At the time they were looking to adopt from Taiwan, and then God redirected their path to Africa. Amazing!!! Right now they are logged in and waiting for referrals, I do believe. I know their dossier is done. They have currently raised about $2500.00 in funds for their adoption and still need roughly $25,000.00 more to bring their children home. They have two biological children, a boy and a girl. They will grow from a family of 4 to a family of 6.
Jen and Trevor will be hosting an online Adoption Auction at the end of January. She has been posting sneak peaks, and let me tell you I am so excited for it to start. She has received some amazing items from people. Check out their blog
here. And support them by adding their Adoption Auction button to your blog.
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