Life is CRAZY, but GREAT!!!!!!! Some days I don't know what direction I am going. Physically and mentally crazy days are my life. We awake early and I go to bed late. I never thought I would be one to let the laundry pile up, but hey, you do what you gotta do. I have learned, though not fast enough, to "LET IT GO." I cannot sweep everyday, mop everyday, and love on my kids all at the same time. That is where I have gone wrong all along. Little by little I am changing my ways, and I think last week, for me, was a huge revelation.
1. We will complete school (we always do this anyways).
2. We will play
3. We will do chores together.
I will no more do everything myself just because it is easier and I can do it better than they. I have always had them do some things, but they will be doing more now. We will make it fun, and I will just have to get used to it not being up to my standards like I did it. They will never learn, if I don't teach, and they do. It is a proven fact that people learn better by doing than just talking about it or reading about it.
By changing to this philosophy they will have my attention all day long, even while working around the house. I will update about the progress of these new rules as I see results, one way or the other.
We had a wonderful weekend. The weather was incredible. The kids were completely and totally ecstatic to play OUTSIDE!!!! Friday they played all afternoon. Saturday Olivia got to spend some one on one time with Mammaw and went with her to Clarksville to a baby shower, played with some friends, saw Nana, Brittany, and Baby Kaden. She had a blast. Logan got to spend the day with Pappaw all day long by himself. He was LOVIN it!!! They went to the store, worked outside, and wrestled in the grass. David and I took Carson and Leia in the stroller and went for a Saturday morning jog. It was sooo nice. The kids loved it too. I got to love on my little Asian Prince and Princess all day. They were lovin it too. We took them to get burgers for lunch and they were such quiet little angels. It was almost as if they were invisible they were so quiet and good. Makes a Mommy and Daddy so happy!!!
Then yesterday was Grandma's birthday celebration. Mammaw made a scrumptious lunch and very yummy dessert. The kids, Daddy, and Pappaw napped while Mammaw and I cooked for our Sunday night get together after church, and then Grandma and I crafted some. It was one of those Sunday afternoons that was packed full of memories. The kind that you don't realize as a child are so precious, but later as an adult you are so glad that you have them.
Logan & Olivia playing with Scarlett
My methodical child is in DEEP thought
Carson, my radio flyer man
Playing Chase
Mom, "I'm getting too big for this bike."
Some sweet Leia kisses
Mommy and Leia
Carson & Leia having some play time without Big Bro or Big Sis
Learning early about purses
Mom, "Look at me."
My little vogue model
There is my girl.
Liv, Sunday morning
Carson, poking his head around the seat
Our handsome driver
All Done, ready for DESSERT
Great Grandma
Carson ready for dessert, and Logan never finishes so no dessert
Pappaw, the ice cream scooper
Mammaw and Olivia
Grandma and Olivia
Is He Shrinking???
David thought he would be the photographer...
Sunday afternoon cooking for our Sunday night get together
Baking Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins and
Cranberry Orange Streusal Muffins