Sunday, October 31, 2010

Orphan Awareness Month

November is national Orphan Awareness month. I reflect over the past several months about how much money has been spent on all the political campaigns and then think about the people who are starving all over the world. Starving to the point of death is their only answer. Children running the streets with no one to care for them. The luckier ones find an orphanage to care for them, while the others look for days, and sometimes weeks to find food. People ask, "Why does God allow this to happen?" God's design his for us to love, help the poor, care for the widows and orphans. So, why do we ask, "Why?" The bigger question is, "Why do you allow this?" What do you do personally to change this? There are 147 Million Orphans and counting out there that need food, need clothes, need homes, need care, need compassion, need love, need families, need YOU. I challenge you to BE THE CHANGE and make it ONE LESS!!!

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