Monday, October 18, 2010

Minus 1

147 Million is a huge number. But, just think, it could be 147 million minus 1, 2, 3, and so on. All it takes is a heart open to love. I love the orphans with a passion I cannot describe. And, God loves us so much more than that. Don't be afraid of the unknown. There is a child out there that NEEDS you, and you NEED them. You walk ten months with a life growing inside of you and your love for that child grows so much before you even meet that child. When you adopt, you have an adoption pregnancy that can sometimes last from 2-3 years...just think of how much love you would have for that child after that long of waiting to hold that precious one.
My husband says I cannot adopt them all, but if there were a way I could, I would. My heart breaks for them, cries for them, and loves them from the other side of the world. I challenge you to look into the eyes of an orphan and tell them, "No, I cannot protect you. I cannot feed you. I cannot clothe you. I cannot hold you. I cannot handle you in my life. You might be too much for me to handle." Did Gid say that to us? I hardly think so. He loves us so much that he sent his son to DIE for you.
As you lay in bed tonight thinking there is nothing You can do for the orphans, think of the child who has no one to call their own, has no food, has no clothes, cries out and knows there is no one to soften that cry and fear for them.

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