Saturday, November 3, 2012

SERIOUS Countdown...6 DAYS!!

So, our countdowns have been going on ever since we left the states.  We have had countdowns til whoever is coming next, when Nana's coming, when Mammaw's coming, and you get the picture.  But we don't start official daily countdowns until we are two weeks away.

We are now into serious countdown mode.  It is only 6 days until Mammaw and Pappaw get here.  And all the kids say it has been "WAY TOO LONG since We have SEEN Mammaw."  They love you too Pappaw!  They are beyond giddy excited, 6 more days, then 11 days with Mammaw and Pappaw, and we are almost to official countdown of Nana and Papa coming.  They are coming 8 days after Mammaw and Pappaw and are staying for 14 days!!!!!!

The kids are working extra hard and have been doubling up on school work so they can PLAY for a month!!  Here are some smiles to tide you over for the next 6 days Mammaw.  Sorry, Logan was not feeling it during this little mini photo session.

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