Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kenting Here We Come

So, I have concluded that this trip was not to be any sort of vacation. You'll understand later.

Ken, Trena, and their kids picked us up at 10:00 on Sunday morning. No breakfast yet. David asks in his little kid voice, you think there is a McDonald's anywhere on the way to the beach? Aha!! There is. Egg Mcmuffin here I come. McDonald's stops serving breakfast at 10:00, so there went that eager anticipation swirling down the toilet. But, Ken knows of a great breakfast place along the way. We keep driving, hopes shattered when we see this place is closed as well. But Trena knows of a little place that has Bagel sandwiches. Great! Can't be that bad right?? Surely these people can handle putting together a bagel, an egg, and some ham or bacon. Not to be. Their version of this is a Bagel, a condiment that resembles Thousand Island (in a very bad way, and I hate Thousand Island anyways), some shredded cabbage, their version of bacon (a slice of funny tasting ham), cucumbers, and whala there you have it. I was so hungry I managed to choke down half, while David scraped everything off and ate the rest because he didn't know when he would eat again.

The drive to kenting was beautiful. I wished we had decided to just spend all of our time there, because it looked as if it would have been great (key work looked).

WE stopped at our favorite eating place, 711, NOT!! Where David and resigned ourselves to more Doritoes and Pringles. That was to be our lunch today. Sorry Trena : )

The beach was breathtaking. The waves were crashing to the shore like they were mad. Had we been in the states the beach would have been closed due to the high tide and the furry it was showing. We set up our chairs and headed to the water. Leia wriggled her toes into the sand. David plowed right into the waves for some body surfing. Trena and I pulled our chairs to the edge of the water for some relaxing scenery. Well, that lasted about...ummmm...maybe 7 minutes. We were barreled with a crashing wave full of sand right up the shorts with much force I might add. Leia was very upset with this little event but quickly recovered. We pulled the chairs much further from the shore and watched. I love to watch people. There were people all along the beach, with only 10 in the water and 5 of which were ours. Suddenly we started seeing some commotion and there was a young guy that was struggling and the waves were taking him under. The lifeguard, in my opinion, took forever. David attempted to go out and save the guy, but the waves were so hard they kept bringing right back where he started and before he knew it the guys was too far away. And yes, I was right there at the water screaming for David to not go any further. I let him try, but then my wifely instincts took over when I realized it looked as if he would drown too if he went out there. The waves had taken this young man to the part of the beach where sharp rocks were jutting out of the water and were under water too. It would only be a matter of time before the waves would slam him into one. So, meanwhile, the lifeguard frantically drives is ATV up and down the beach several times before he decides that he might ought to drag himself in the water. It seemed life forever before he made it to him. We watched the lifeguard struggle the entire time. They were headed straight for the rocks. They finally made it to shore and all seemed well and people were cheering. We all went back to our playtime. About an half hour later Trena and I noticed that the young man's friends are still hovering over him. I kept looking, watching for a sign that the guy was fine. I looked over at Trena, and she immediately said, "You wanna go check it out?" "YES." As soon as we laid eyes on the guy I knew he was not fine. Trena and I did a quick assessment. It was very obvious. The man was white, and I mean white as a ghost. I had just seen him an hour before with olive skin. His friends were frantically speaking to Trena. He couldn't stop throwing up, couldn't move, hurt to breath, and his pulse was faint. his friends had pleaded with him to let them take him to the hospital, but he would not listen to their pleas. I told Trena, "If he doesn't got to a hospital he could very well die later today from dry drowning." She explained this to him and his friends. The immediately carried him off the beach and were headed to the closest hospital.

Meanwhile, the lifeguard has decided he does not want to save anymore lives today and has asked every to get out of the water. I strolled down the beach with Leia snuggled in the sling, to see why the lifeguard was moving so slow. They were all intoxicated!! I mean really????

We stayed at the beach for a few hours and then headed to the Howard Hotel where we were staying. I was beyond impressed with the accommodations for the price. David went straight for the pool and me to the jacuzzi with the girls while Leia snoozed in the afternoon breeze beside me on a towel. Reminder...waves were really crazy while at beach...overhead are huge thunder clouds rolling in. Really???? A nice 30 minute relaxing in the jacuzzi ended with a straight downpour. Trena said it would probably move out pretty fast. And it did look like it would. The clouds were racing away with more following behind. I had hope that it would pass and I would get to stroll the streets of Kenting tonight and go grab some yummy food. Well, that was not to be. It never stopped raining. We had no transportation and were stuck in the hotel the entire time with the pool never reopening. We were able to walk to an eating place in the rain.
I was so disappointed that we did not get to experience the night market there. I was looking forward to exploring the quaint little town. We woke up Monday morning and more rain. We were past ready to go home at this point. We were starving, homesick for our babies above all else; so, I called the travel agent Sunday night and we changed our flights to leave Monday night. Olivia, Logan, and Carson here we come.

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