Well, the last couple weeks have passed in a whirlwind of chaos. It all started with Logan swallowing a toy car, an ice storm, Carson getting into my thyroid medicine and eating the rest of the contents, Carson falling at Mammaw's and busting the back of his head open, and finishing off the chaos with me sick. I think I am ready for Spring....
We haven't had any new news regarding the status of our court date for Leia. We are praying we might hear something this week. I do not know if the courts will be closed this week or next for Chinese New Year. Hopefully we will have news of a date before the government shuts down for a few days. We received an update about Leia yesterday. She seems to really enjoy her bottles, as she is now over 10lbs. When we received our referral for Leia, Holly and Trena informed us that the cartilage over her right ear was double the normal size. The doctors told them it was purely something cosmetic and can be corrected. We have since received pictures of her ear, and it is very minimal. I did notice in a picture that was sent to us last week that she also has a pea-sized not on her right cheek. They say it is the same texture as the rest if her face, is not hard, and will depress when it is touched. I am a mom and nurse, so naturally I am thinking the worst regarding this knot on her face. I am so ready for her to be home, and I can take her to the doctor and have it checked. Please pray that it is nothing serious. They say it has been there since birth. As the days go by the wait becomes harder. I know that she is in God's care and that is what allows me to get through the days without being in complete worry. Not that I don't think everyone at His Hands is taking wonderful care of her, because I know that they are.
Memory Lane-
Olivia has now discovered how much she loves to play Barbies. Last weekend when we were iced in I got out all of my old Barbies as well. So, she now has quite the collection and loves to play with them. She is very concerned that they must all be wearing shoes that matches their outfit. She has this Barbie house that my mom got her at a yard sale and it has a bathroom. She really pulls down the bottoms so they can sit on the potty. I thought that was really cute. She has a pink convertible Barbie car that she piles like 14 Barbies in. For those of you in the south, you know who we see that can fit more people in a car than we can in a house. David thought this was hilarious.
Logan has had quite the adventure with swallowing/choking on whatever foreign object. We have been the the emergency room 3 times in 2 weeks. And, by the way, I am not a mamma who flips out and runs to the er. But, when you baby is turning red and purple from crying so hard because his tummy hurts, that calls for action. And a nurse knows that green bile vomit is NOT a good sign. So, he has been poked, prodded, tortured (with due cause), and scanned more than mommy ever cares to see again. A child should never have to have an enema. That is pure torture for a child and will cause a parent to shed the same crocodile tears. Dehydration is no good for the veins when you need an iv stared. They attempted 3 times. He was such a little trooper they said. He layed so still and didn't even fight them. After the first stick and digging around he was crying for Daddy. Through his river of tears he sobbed, "Daddy, come help me." I called David, and all Logan could say was, "help." Daddy came during his lunch break and stayed a couple hours. We were trying to distract Logan as well because he couldn't have anything to drink or eat. Daddy distracted him by letting him play games on his cell phone. Logan is just like his Daddy and is quite the little savvy techno toddler. Anyways...I think all is well with him and he is on his road to recovery. His complaining is minimal now.
Carson is such a clutz. He runs into walls, trips on his own feet, and hurts himself terrible even when there is nothing in sight to touch him. Thursday night he was at Mammaw's house and falls and hits his head on the fireplace hearth, and none other than the knife sharp corner. Mammaw says it looked like an animal had been slaughtered in the living room. Head bleeds always look worse than they are. Daddy brought him home and bandaged his head up like Rambo. He still has sticky medical tape marks in his hair and forehead that have not come off even after a bath. He is now sleeping better, except for when he falls out of his bed, which is pretty regular.
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