Wednesday, September 30, 2009


That is the amount that the car wash and yard sale brought in. That is almost enough for one plane ticket to Taiwan. Thank you so much to all that helped this past weekend with the car wash and garage sale. I know there were so many other things that you could have been doing, but you came out and helped us raise money to bring our baby girl home. We are so grateful and appreciative for all who helped, whether it was time, donations, or prayers. Thanks. Olivia, Logan, and Carson came to the car wash to help raise money for their baby sister. They held signs, waved to all the passerbys, and Olivia worked so hard washing cars. She didn't ever stop to play. I came to the wash after the sale and took her home to go to the bathroom. She asked me in the car how the sale went. I told her it was okay but that we would probably be doing another one. She told me that she had been working really hard and making lots of money. "Momma, I can keep washing cars and do another car wash to make lots of money to bring baby Leia home, so you don't have to do another yard sale," Olivia said.
We had so much stuff left from the yard sale that we plan to have another one on October 16 or 23. We have not set a final date yet. My mom has more items to out in the sale, and some others have said that they do as well. For all those who are local, Moe's in Benton has agreed to host a fundraiser for us. We will be doing that on Friday, October 16 from 5pm-9pm. We will be at the doors outside passing out little coupon/flyers telling customers that 10% of the sales during that 4 hour time period will be donated for our adoption. I have spoken with Larry, the owner of Larry's Pizza, about doing a fundraiser. I am to call him back tomorrow about what he might be able to do.
Logan has been praying by repeating after us for a month or so now, but tonight he started praying without being prompted for a few small sentences. Yay. He said,"Thank you God. Bring Baby Leia. Forgive sins. Daddy help me pray." It was so cute. Today was fun day at our house. So, needless to say, the house is a wreck. We went to the Fitness Center this morning, then had a picnic, played outside on their playhouse, did preschool work, watched part of Sound of Music, then we went to Chick-fil-A before church tonight. They had a very good time today. Wish all my chores would do themselves so I could do that everyday.
I found out yesterday that all of our documents have been translated and are in our file at His Hands. I was very excited about that. Not that it brings us any closer to getting Leia. But hopefully by us being completely paper ready before we get our referral, maybe we will get to travel quicker after we get referral. Anyways, that is all I have today.

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